PC Based Patrol Management System Software V6.0

Short Description:

ZOOY Patrol Management System Software V6.0 is an upgraded version based on traditional V3.0/V5.0 version . To offer more user friendly operation experience and based on user’s feedback , V6.0 software become more simple but more flexible . Save steps to install patrol.exe program ,copy can run , simplified communication page , once click can get report , no need to click too much button. Various and quick glance report facilitate user to get reports in much efficient way. 


PC Based Patrol Management System Software

• 0 application to install • 0 cost forever • 0 user maintenance

Guard Tour Solution
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Start Management in 1s

No application installation. All need to do is copy and paste to computer

Video tutorials

Tutorials shows how to setup checkpoints, create the route build up the schedule

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Data graphic statistics

No application installation All need to do is copy and paste to computer

Data Protection

Double-path backups ensure that your critical data will survive any of the likely hazards

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Email Report

summary report pushed to any email every other day

Choose the version you need

PC Based Patrol Management System Software with Stand-alone & LAN two versions

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Operation Diagram

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Guard patrol management software take a very important role in guard tour system. Allow to layout checkpoint settings, schedule setup, shift arrangement and download data from guard patrol reader , finally generate wide variety report as user’s query demand .

V6.0 Stand-alone Software

SQLite/MySQL data base for option. WinXP/Win7/Win8/Win10 supported. No connection amount limit for devices. Download report with Excel/PDF

security guard


This video show you how to set up ZOOY V6.0 guard tour management software


Q1: Do I need to pay?
A1: Permanent free

Q2: What database does V6 use?
A2: SQLite for V6.0 stand-alone version, MySQL for V6.1 LAN version

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